Well another Easter Sunday has passed (or as C so reverently called it "Queefster Cunt-Day"), and as far as I'm concerned, the only things that hath risen were my weight and the acid in my esophagus, prompted by gorging on obscene amounts of food. Thanks to Chef Pot Roast's dinner gathering, eight people effectively ravaged the cuisine that bears aforementioned host's name. Besides the actual dinner feastage, C and I arrived early to "help out," meaning that she threw some shit into a bowl, mixed it, and then left the kitchen to go drink on the couch while I chopped the vegetables that she had originally delightfully offered to cut herself. So the devouring of all appetizers and hors d'oeuvres actually began two hours earlier for us, henceforth by the time the guests arrived, I at least was showing first trimester fupage. By the end of the night, I was ready to give birth...to twins.
My gluttonous misery was so gargantuan that I actually switched cabs at the end of the night b/c one wouldn't let me smoke out the window. I guess my levels of stubborness fluctuate with how fat I am. I'm usually pretty stubborn. That's a tell-all right there.
Just a quick review of the menu: 2 savory pot roasts accompanied by stewed potatoes/carrots, slices of glazed Virginia ham, a serious vat of home-made macaroni and cheese, bacon-cheddar dip (Die dip Die!), hummus dip, puff pastries of goat cheese and spinach, a plethora of sliced baguette pieces and veggies, and to finish the feeding frenzy, babka and hip-hop cake. Move over Fat Actress and make room for Fat Intern.
Food aside, we had a lovely group of people--some new in the mix--that provided for stimulating conversation. I've never delved into such great depth on subjects such as dutch ovens, masturbation, farts, donut-bumping, and Kevin Spacey. We truly are an intellectually provocative bunch.
Anyway, thanks Chef and to all who have pushed me that much closer to liposuction and stomach stapling.
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